Main Expertises on plagiarism Topics (Last 10 years)



Fonds National de la Recherche du Luxembourg

President of the Research Integrity Commission.
5 to 8 cases of misconduct to investigate per year.


Neuchâtel University, Switzerland

Expert, case of failure concerning scientific integrity.
Chair: Jean Guinand, president of The “Commission d’investigation en matière de respect de l’intégrité scientifique” (CIMIS).


Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Università degli Studi di Udine, Italy

President of the Integrity commission for a case of failure concerning scientific integrity.


Haute Ecole de Musique
Geneva, Switzerland

Member of the Integrity commission for a case of failure concerning scientific integrity.
Chair: Juge cantonal vaudois Pierre Muller.


Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

Member of the Integrity commission for a case of failure concerning scientific integrity.
Chair: Me Alain Thevenaz.

2007 to 2009

University of Geneva

President of the Ethics-Plagiarism Committee.