Major external research grants




Founding companies of the Observatory of Values of Strategy and Management

Topic: Ethics, Plagiarism, Giving Construct, and Social Responsibility

?Research funds: 130'000 CHF / year




Founding companies of the Observatory of Values of Strategy and Management

Topic: Ethics, Plagiarism, Giving Construct, and Donors' Profiles

?Research funds: 336'000 CHF  


Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France)

Programme Thématique en Sciences Humaines Entreprises et formes d’organisations économiques

Topic: « Don et Bénévolat », N° ENTR-07-02

With ICI (Brest), CRGNA (Nantes), CRESS-Lessor (Rennes)

Research funds: 170’ 000 EUR



International Programmes of Scientific Cooperation (PICS) CNRS

Topic: « Issues and impacts of the e-business on companies marketing choices: a French - Swiss comparative survey in B to B and B to C business »

With Marie-Laure Gavard-Perret, Université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble

Research funds: 24'000 EUR / year



Fonds National Suisse de Recherche Scientifique (FNSRS)

Topic: « European consumer evolution: an ongoing analysis based on internet as a research tool » (Evolution du consommateur Européen : analyse continue utilisant Internet comme outil de recherche)

Research funds: 229'272 CHF



Founding companies of the Observatory of of Sales, Marketing and Strategy

Topic: Communication, Sales and Marketing

?Research funds: 70'000 CHF / year



Fonds National Suisse de Recherche Scientifique (FNSRS)

Topic: «Sales Reorganizations in the European

Context: Challenges, Risks and Implementation

Research funds: 246'648 CHF



Founding companies of the Chair of Sales, Marketing and Strategy (VSM), ESSEC, France.

Research funds: 30’500 EUR / year